
wip. 1.5.13

there were only two pictures taken all weekend... one is a bath tub pic which would require censoring so my child doesn't require additional therapy when he is grown and i'm too lazy right now to do that.

a first on this blog.
a recap in words!

was so sick wednesday and thursday. actually called off thursday and slept the entire day. i think i left the bed around 2. didn't want to do too much over the weekend since i had been feeling awful. 

dinner and a movie after beaner was in bed. ted and chinese with visitors. i even managed to stay awake for the entire movie. holy cow is that a vulgar movie.

a lazy family day of naps and more movies. i believe spider man was one of them. i fell asleep for this one.

football and play doh. i am not a fan of play doh. i hate how it smells. my kid loves the stuff. he plays with it for at least thirty minutes every time he pulls it out. which is saying a lot for my kid. ;)

okay, one picture because i can't help it. and it sums up the weekend oh so well.

a nice, relaxing weekend of nothing. exactly what i needed after some crazy holidays and an awful cold. {since i'm so late in posting, the cough still lingers. it took almost a month for it to go away. so not fun.}

this no picture post will definitely help me on my quest to catch up!

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